Linkek a témában:
Catholic Church in England and Wales
The Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in the world. It has more than one billion members worldwide – that means one in every six people walking the earth is a baptised Catholic.
Around five million live in England. What unites all Catholics is our belief in Jesus Christ and his message of love for all, peace and forgiveness. We also believe that all men and women are equal, because we are made in the image of God, who sent his only son Jesus to earth to save us. We believe in justice and equality too as whatever we do to each other, we do to Christ.
YMCA England
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
YMCA England supports and represents the 135 YMCAs in England helping them transform communities.
We give YMCAs a national voice, by speaking with government, key policy makers and national media. As a representative body, we are able to advocate for the needs of the most vulnerable young people in England.
Az Egyesült Királyság, ill. Anglia fővárosa, többmilliós Európai nagyváros, hosszú történelemmel és sok legendával: London A jelen linkválogatásból az érdeklődő és a turista informálódhat többek között a város turisztikai látványosságairól, kulturális, oktatási, sportéletéről, gasztronómiai, szabadidő eltöltési és szórakozási lehetőségeiről.